Monday, December 1, 2008

Good Experience!'s been a big day for me and my bands! We were looking forward for this competition seriously........"National Final" in KL for the yamaha asian beat band competition 2008/2009!

We have depart on Friday 28/11/2008 to kl at 7 am and we do enjoying for the 4 days stay at kl with my bands....and wife and girlfriends!!! We met Sam our ex-guitarist of (Eli-Waile) and joon tat on Friday and Saturday! I have do some shopping with my wife for Christmas sale and also Chinese new is approaching for new cloths! We do jammed in sri hartamas for our final practice before the national final!

Sunday morning, the day has come that we have practice for 2 months for this competition.....when we arrived, we saw johor band in front of their vans......(make me think of HK triads that arrived with their parangs to gang fight)........High society waiting outside the Beach club and One Life Decision also arrived with us at the same time! we met some of the bands, chit chat our pfrofile and so on.........

The results ended with all the Penang Bands lost........ :( !!! They are seriously a good band! not like any other bands that we met in penang all the while! All the 3 winners have shown us their speciality ........and it makes us "open our eyes"! (tai hoi ngan kai)

There are 3 regions competing with all the top 3 representative's and we fight among the "best of the Best Bands" I have earned a good lesson by seeing their performance, songs structure, skills, attacks and showmanship!

I also receive some comments from the judge of how to improve my skill after we consulted one of the judge's in the events! Well .....there are nothing to lose as we did perform our best and keep everyone's cheers on our songs after we finish our act in the stage and that what makes us proud! People listen and enjoying our songs! .......anyway....thanks to my bands.....Kevin,Wee and Ken for their very best effort during the competition, my wife and their girl's, sam and alex for supporting us there live on the spot, kevin's sister for dropping by and support, yamaha and beach club for this event's and the photographer............A BIG thank you!

sign out crissparco: